KEPIMPINAN dalam Islam.

Uli Al-Amri (Orang-orang yang diberi kuasa) - Merupakan suatu jawatan atau kedudukan dalam kepimpinan yang menjalankan tugas dan amanah untuk mentadbir dan mengendalikan urusan dunia. Oleh sebab itu adalah menjadi kewajipan kepada rakyat (orang-orang bawah tanggungjawabnya) mematuhi apa yang diperintahkan oleh Uli Al Amri sebagaimana firman Allah dalam surah An-Nisa’ ayat 59 yang bermaksud :“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, taatlah kamu kepada Allah dan taatlah kamu kepada Rasulullah S.A.W dan kepada Uli Al-Amri ( orang-orang yang berkuasa) dari kalangan kamu. Kemudian jika kamu berbantah-bantah ( berselisihan ) dalam sesuatu perkara, maka hendaklah kamu mengembalikannya kepada (Kitab) Allah (Al-Quran) dan (Sunnah) Rasul-Nya jika kamu benar beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat. Yang demikian adalah lebih baik (bagi kamu), dan lebih elok pula kesudahannya.”

Para pemimpin atau ketua yang telah dilantik hendaklah melantik pembantu-pembantu yang jujur dan berkebolehan. Tanda-tanda kejujurannya ialah sentiasa bersikap beriman dan tidak mengampu sehingga membenarkan yang salah dan menyalahkan yang benar. Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda yang bermaksud:“Apabila Allah S.W.T menghendaki seseorang ketua itu menjadi ketua yang baik, ia akan jadikan pembantunya itu bersikap benar. Jika ia lupa ( lupa kepada Allah dan menyeleweng dari kebenaran ) ia mengingatkannya. Jika ia tidak lupa, ia memberi pertolongan dan bantuan kepada ketuanya itu. Jika Allah menghendaki ketua itu menjadi ketua yang lain daripada itu, dijadikan pembantunya seorang yang jahat, jika ia lupa tidak diingatkanya dan jika ia ingat tidak dibantunya” ( diriwayatkan oleh Abu Daud ).

Leaders are ALSO Followers;.

Virtually no one leads all of the time. Leaders also function as followers; everyone spends a portion of their day following and another portion leading.
Educating people to help them become productive followers and leaders is an important leadership responsibility. Any thoughtful leader has three top priorities:
*Accomplish the mission.
*Take care of your people.
*Create more leaders.
An article written by Sgt. 1st Class Michael T. Woodward for the U.S. Army's Infantry magazine in mid-1975 suggests the scope of a followership guidelines;
1. Know yourself and seek self-improvement.
. Be technically and tactically proficient.
3. Comply with orders and initiate appropriate actions in the absence of orders.
4. Develop a sense of responsibility, and take responsibility for your actions.
5. Make sound and timely decisions and recommendations.
6. Set the example for others.
7. Be familiar with your leader and his job, and anticipate his requirements.
8. Keep your leaders informed.
9. Understand the task and ethically accomplish it.
10. Be a team member -- but not a yes man.
[Followership: An Essential Element of Leadership
by Pat Townsend and Joan Gebhardt:2009]

LEADERSHIP is not something you do TO people. It's something you do WITH people.

According to Ken Blancard (2003), when we share our leadership strategy with our people, they are not only understand what we have in mind but also giving helpful feedback. True leaders looking forward for feedback because those can help us improve.

LEADERSHIP in practicing technology in school.

Today’s innovations in technology have provided valuable instructional tools for
education. School leaders/administrators play an essential role in whether these innovations
are being used effectively in their schools. Many state departments of education
have developed technology plans intended to promote the effective use of technology
and to aid administrators in implementing technology strategies that will
improve their school’s efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity. To emphasize the
administrators’ role in implementing technology into the schools, one state’s technology
plan underscores the need for administrators to initiate, promote, and support the
effective use of technology into their educational environments.
(Chien Y. & Vance A.D.-2006)


Imam Al-Ghazali pernah berpesan; Ilmu itu kehidupan hati daripada kebutaan, sinar penglihatan daripada kezaliman dan tenaga badan daripada kelemahan.

Sunday 30 May 2010

TOXIC LEADERSHIP :- Avoid this kind of leadership

Jean Lipman-Blumen (2005) has studied a different kind of leadership exist in an organization - including educational organization. Jean came out with the Conceptual Framework of TOXIC LEADERSHIP. I would like to share this info and may be it can help us - the leaders of educational organization - to be aware of and avoid it. We shall consider as TOXIC LEADERS those individuals who shows one or more of the following PERSONAL QUALITIES OF TOXIC LEADERS;
  • LACK OF INTEGRITY that reveals leaders as cynical, corrupt or untrustworthy;
  • INSATIABLE AMBITION that prompts leaders to put their own sustained power, glory and fortunes above their followers' well-being;
  • ENORMOUS EGO that blind leaders to the shortcomings of their own character and limit their capacity for self-renewal;
  • ARROGANCE that prevents toxic leaders from acknowledging their mistakes and instead leads to blaming others;
  • AMORALITY that makes it nigh (nearly) impossible for toxic leaders to discern right from wrong;
  • AVARICE that drives toxic leaders to put money and what money can buy at the top of their list;
  • FAILURE TO UNDERSTAND to the nature of relevant problems and  FAIL TO ACT COMPETENTLY & EFFECTIVELY in situation requiring leadership;
  • COWARDICE that leads them to shrink from the difficult choice and,
  • RECKLESS disregard for the costs of their action to others as well as to themselves.
TOXIC LEADERS, initially charm but ultimately manipulate, mistreat and undermine their followers, engage in a wide range of destructive behaviours such as failing to nurture othe leaders, failing to recognize good followers and ignoring / promoting incompetence, cronyism and corruption, behaving incompetently by misdiagnosing problems and failing to implement solutions to recognized problems.

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